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How to Convert MQL to a Sale

How to Convert MQL to a Sale – The Fundamentals that Sponsors Should Know – Part 1

How to convert MQL to a sale? IT vendors see promising business ventures in the MSP ecosystem as the industry is becoming in demand today. The top goal of sponsors is to ensure a long-term and mutually beneficial partnership with MSPs. However, achieving this goal is more complex and demanding than you think. Sponsors need to know, understand, and master the essential things specifically MQL.

  • For starters, understand what a market qualified lead (MQL) is and their relevance/importance to our sponsors.
  • Discover how a hand raise or MQL is generated through ForzaDash.
  • Understand the process of the acquired market qualified leads that sponsors are to further engage. This includes creating a hand raise, the stage where ForzaDash responsibility ends, and the sponsor takes over.
  • Highlights on how sponsors are winning, starting with the first step, research and preparation for the engagement.

Market Qualified Leads in MSP Community

A market qualified lead (MQL) refers to a lead or prospect that demonstrates interest in what you offer. As an IT vendor, this is your prospective client or potential MSP partner. Sponsors offer their IT products or solutions where the MQL would respond based on their marketing efforts.

An MQL is more likely going to become your actual customer, client, or partner compared to other leads. However, it would also depend on how much effort you put in order to make this happen. Your strategic marketing plan will also greatly affect whether you convert your MQL to a surefire client or otherwise.

Oftentimes intentionally engaging with the IT vendor or sponsor, an MQL would respond to your Call to Action (CTA). Their engagement with the sponsor is shown by performing specific actions such as voluntary submission of contact details. They may also opt in to the program that you offer, download your materials, or visit your website repeatedly.

Defining MQLs and What They Do

How to convert MQL to a sale? The first step is defining what MQL is and its relevance to your IT services. Market qualified leads are promising leads that consider you and are highly curious about your brand. However, sponsors must understand that MQLs or “hand-raises” have not yet taken the step into a sales conversion. Nevertheless, they are most likely more receptive to your sales pitch compared to just a normal lead.

MSPs that show interest in your IT solutions or products are the MQL. IT vendors should show these potential partners that their solution is what they need. Market qualified leads are then converted into sales qualified leads (SQLs) thus, turning into customers or MSP partners.

So, how do you identify an MQL? Here are some of the actions of an MQL and how you can identify them:

  • They fill out online forms
  • They download your freebies such as ebooks or trial software
  • They submit their email address to be included in your mailing or newsletter list
  • They repeat visiting your site or spend time on it
  • They contact you for more information requests
  • They click on an advertisement to search for your site

How does ForzaDash generate a hand-raise or MQL?

The MSP ecosystem is a more complex industry thus generating a market qualified lead takes more than simply identifying them. IT vendors need more resources especially in finding the right MSP partner or potential client. Investing in high-quality sources to acquire the best MQLs is the key to achieve your goals.

ForzaDash is a managed service provider as well as n app development firm that provides the hand-raises you need. Joining this MSP community is the first step to helping you find market qualified leads. It creates a venue for IT vendors to showcase their services and solutions. The main goal is to help thousands of managed service providers grow in the ForzaDash ecosystem.

One of the perks of being a part of this community is to access the ForzaDash-generated MQLs. On top of that, the community has successfully connected IT vendors and MSPs in the past five years. Thus, it is the best way to establish a successful channel, first by getting quality hand-raises.

How does a lead happen in ForzaDash?

The next most important thing to ask is how do ForzaDash generate market qualified leads? How does MQL happen? How to convert MQL to a sale?

Step #1 – Using Marketing Assets by the Sponsor

Generating MQL with ForzaDash all starts with a marketing asset, which the sponsor provides. The marketing assets come in the form of a white paper or ebook, AI machine learning, and 5 myths. These are any products that may elicit a response from your prospective MSP partner or client. It may also be something that they are interested to get or can benefit from.

Step #2 – Integrating on ForzaDash Ad Campaigns and Streamers

Once the digital marketing asset is provided, it is then put inside the ForzaDash app. These apps are called streamers, not banners because they are Windows applications. The assets are also put in the email ad campaigns that are being sent to the community. So, the MSPs will be able to see the assets inside the streamers or email ads and click on it. At this point, they will be directed to a landing page that will be provided for them, which the sponsor defines.

It should request specific contact information that is necessary to make their presentation. Sponsors may typically want to get their name, title, email, maybe end-point supported or any criteria they need. Once the MSP completes the landing page, it becomes a hand-raise or market qualified lead.

Step #3 – Sending MQL or Hand-Raise to Sponsor

ForzaDash ends their responsibility by handing over the hand-raise or MQL to the sponsor and they take over. The sponsor now must make an appointment, present their product or handle objections. Sponsors may have to close or refer, acquire a referral, and make several attempts to ensure an appointment. However, if they cannot do this, they go to the next step.

Step #4 – Escalating to Drip Up to Follow Up

Generating a high-quality hand-raise is unfortunately not a guarantee for successful conversion to MSP partnership. In fact, ForzaDash identifies the greatest setback that sponsors tend to fall right in. Sponsors should follow up on the MQL that they received or end up wasting these quality leads.

At this stage, the MSP has already shown their interest thus, raised their hand, and want your asset. Although they may not want to join right away, they would want to hear from you. If the sponsor cannot make an appointment with the MSP, the next step is to drip up for follow up.

Step #5 – Setting an Appointment

The sponsor is given the sole responsibility to set an appointment with the MSP as soon as receiving the MQL. You may or may not make an appointment right away, but following it up could make it happen. Once you get the appointment, conduct the appropriate presentation of your business model.

How to Convert MQL to a Sale

Maximizing the full potentials of the market qualified leads and using it to your advantage is the first step. No matter how good the MQL, it will just go to waste if the sponsor does not use it right. Thus, this hand-raise or MQL must serve its purpose the right way. How?

1. How Sponsors are Winning – RESEARCH

What do sponsors do with hand-raises or MQLs provided by ForzaDash? The first step on how sponsors are winning is to conduct research. This initial step is to prepare for the engagement of prospective MSP partners. Sponsors do comprehensive research so that no stone is left unturned. By conducting research, successful sponsors know exactly how to use MQL to convert to MSP partners or clients.

Leverage LinkedIn and Other Sites

LinkedIn is highly likely the best platform where you can access decision-makers or prospects. With over 600 million members, this site is where numerous MQLs engage at record rates. However, since you already have your MQL by ForzaDash, all you have to do is further confirm your hand-raises.

Use LinkedIn and other similar sites to nurture your leads in preparation for engagement. This is the starting point where you condition the MQL and introduce them to your products and solutions. Maximize the hand-raises or MQLs to ultimately groom and move your engagement into the first stages of conversion.

Review Social Media, Blogs, and Website

Preparing the MQL for the engagement requires sponsors to assess different useful and relevant platforms. Social media, blogs, and websites are venues where they can reach out to their prospects. These are platforms wherein you can know and understand your prospects as well as establish rapport.

Once you are sure that you have a working and functional online resource, you now have a venue where to use your MQL. Evaluating your online presence and resources will also help you find out which one is most effective. Moreover, you can check out which resources do not give you your desired results thus, need improvement.

Final Thoughts on How to Convert MQL to a Sale

IT vendors need all the help they can get in making it to the competitive yet promising world of MSPs. The truth is that it is not an easy task to find and establish quality MSP partnerships. How do you step up your game in searching for the best managed service provider? What should you do to make it happen?

Sponsors need market qualified leads (MQL) to finally reach their goals in the vast MSP ecosystem. Hand-raises provided by trusted and reputable sources such as ForzaDash are quality leads with high conversion rates. Seal the deal with the best MSP partner by maximizing your MQL. Discover how to convert MQL to a sale. Don’t hesitate to consult with our ForzaDash experts right now!

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